The following process outlines the contents and processes for:

Dossier for External Reviewers


  1. CV;
  2. Departmental tenure and promotion standards;
  3. Candidate statement on research and creative/professional work;
  4. List of work to be reviewed and location/modality of each item (e.g., pdf in file, Panopto link, print copy of book sent by U.S. Mail);
  5. Where appropriate, files containing electronic copies of works to be reviewed.


  1. Candidate and the Instructional Technology Group (ITG) will prepare the external-reviewer Box folder so that the folder is viewable/downloadable via a link (so that the reviewers' identity will not be visible to others viewing the folder) and set the link to expire at the appropriate time.
  2. ITG removes candidate from folder on June 5th and provides the chair with a link to the folder.
  3. Chair reviews dossier and sends each external reviewer the link to view the Box folder

Dossier for Internal Reviewers


  1. CV;
  2. Departmental tenure and promotion standards;
  3. Executive summary;
  4. Index of all contents of the dossier, including the list of work to be reviewed and location/modality of each item (e.g., pdf in file, Panopto link, print copy of book sent by U.S. mail);
  5. Candidate statement on research and creative/professional work;
  6. Candidate statement on teaching;
  7. Candidate statement on service;
  8. Files containing electronic copies of works to be reviewed;
  9. Student course evaluations;
  10. Summary of course evaluations;
  11. Peer reviews of teaching;
  12. Course syllabi;
  13. Other teaching materials;
  14. Materials related to service;
  15. Any additional relevant material;
  16. Appointment letter (with financial information redacted);
  17. Chair's (of DFD's) letter;
  18. DPTC's letter;
  19. Dean's letter;
  20. FSC's letter.


  1. The Instructional Technology Group (ITG) creates Box folders and invites both the candidate and Michael Duggan (course evaluations and summary of course evaluations) to populate the folders.
  2. The candidate and Michael Duggan upload materials.
  3. ITG removes Michael Duggan from the Box folder.
  4. ITG removes the candidate from the Box folder.
  5. ITG invites the chair or DFD, Dean (and any designee), DPTC, FSC, and Provost (and any designees) to view contents of the Box folder.
  6. After the Board of Trustees has acted on the application, ITG removes everyone except the Provost (and any designee) from the Box folder.

Confidential Folder for Letters from External Reviewers and Faculty


  1. Confidential letters received from external reviewers and Emerson College faculty members


  1. Chair or Institute DFD receive letters from external reviewers, Anne Doyle receives letters from faculty members.
  2. Chair or DFD sends letters from external reviewers to Dean.
  3. Dean sends external reviewers' letters to Carol Parker.
  4. Anne Doyle sends faculty member letters to Carol Parker.
  5. Carol Parker creates a Box folder of confidential letters (both external and internal) for each candidate, numbers the letters from external reviewers in alphabetical order, and invites the Chair/DFD, Dean (and any designee), DPTC, FSC, and Provost (and any designees).

Archival Copy of Dossier


  1. CV;
  2. Executive summary;
  3. Candidate statement, comprising teaching, research/creative work, and service;
  4. Appointment letter;
  5. DPTC tenure review memorandum;
  6. Department chair's tenure and/or promotion review memorandum;
  7. Dean's tenure and/or promotion review memorandum;
  8. FSC's tenure and/or promotion review memorandum;
  9. Provost & VPAA's tenure and/or promotion review memorandum;
  10. Peer teaching reviews;
  11. Course evaluation summaries;
  12. Internal faculty letters solicited by Provost's designee [CONFIDENTIAL];
  13. One copy of cover and title page of all publications/work submitted;
  14. External reviewers' letters [CONFIDENTIAL].


  1. Academic Affairs prepares a file of documents for archiving and delivers the file to the Iwasaki Library Archivist.
  2. The Instructional Technology Group removes the Provost (and designee) from Box folder for internal reviewers.