DeWitt Henry is the author of Sweet Dreams: A Family History and Safe Suicide, a memoir in linked essays, and of The Marriage of Anna Maye Potts (winner of the inaugural Peter Taylor Prize for the Novel) as well as the editor of anthologies, including Breaking Into Print, Sorrow's Company: Writers on Loss and Grief, Fathering Daughters: Reflections by Men (with James Alan McPherson), Other Sides of Silence: New Fiction from Ploughshares, and The Ploughshares Reader: New Fiction for the 80's (winner of the Editor's Book Award).

The Founding Editor of Ploughshares, and for the first twenty years its Executive Director (for which he won a Massachusetts Commonwealth Award in 1992), he also served as Interim Director/Editor-in-Chief for fifteen months prior to the appointment of the new Director/Editor-in-Chief in the fall of 2008; and most recently served as guest editor of the 40th Anniversary fall edition of Ploughshares.



A.B. Amherst College
M.A. Harvard University
Ph.D. Harvard University