At this point, you’ve updated your resume, written cover letters, and now you have an interview. Congratulations! You have a job interview, which means you have the skills to do the job and the company wants to get to know you. Each job interview is different. Be sure to answer the questions with the job in mind, tailoring your answers to the employer’s needs.

Preparation begins with knowing yourself. Defining your functional skills, personal attributes, work values, and future goals brings focus to your presentation and helps answer the most important question for employers: “Why should I hire you?” 

Gather information about the prospective employer. Employers consider company research a reflection of your interest, enthusiasm, intelligence, and commitment. This information also helps you determine whether or not a particular company will meet your needs. Annual reports, press and media kits, company booklets, websites, professional and trade magazines, and corporate directories are helpful resources.

We have resources for undergraduate students who may have never conducted an interview through graduate students and seasoned professionals who have participated in many interviews.

Interviewing Tips for Undergraduate Students

Start here for tips on interviewing and what to expect. Schedule a practice interview appointment with a counselor to prepare in-depth for your interviews.

Interviewing Tips for Graduate Students and Alumni

Now that you have your graduate degree and more experience, it’s time to elevate your interviewing skills, including how to prepare and what questions to ask.