Residential Meal Plan

Students living on campus during the Fall 2023 semester will be assigned Plan A with the option to change to Plan B, C, or D. Residential Meal Swipes are accepted at the Dining Center, Lion's Den, Max Cafe, and Paramount Cafe.

Plan Number of Meals Guest Meals Board Bucks (per semester) 2023-2024 Cost
Plan A 23 Meals / Week 10 150  Default Residential Meal Plan
Plan B 101 Meals / Semester 10 650  $100.00 Credit to student account
Plan C 5 Meals / Week 10 800  No Additional Charge
Plan D 10 Meals / Week 10 800  Additional $130 per semester

Changing Meal Plan

Adjustments to meal plans can be made between September 5, 2023 through September 19, 2023 for the Fall semester and January 16, 2024 through February 4, 2024 for the Spring semester. Students may change meal plans once a semester. Students are responsible for Board Bucks spent in excess of the plan of their choosing.

Commuter Plan Meal Options

Students residing off-campus are eligible to purchase a Commuter Meal Plan. The Commuter Meal Plan options will be available for purchase on August 4, 2023. Commuter Meal Plans will be activated and ready to use on Thursday, August 27. Unused Meal Swipes and Board Bucks associated with each Commuter Plan will expire on May 13, 2024. Commuter Meal Swipes are accepted at the Dining Center, Lion's Den, Max Cafe, and Paramount Cafe.

Plan Number of Meals Board Bucks 2023-2024 Cost
Washington Plan 20 100 $395.00
Charles 30 0 $395.00
Tremont 50 150 $617.00
Boylston 85 150 $731.00
120 Board Bucks 0 120 $120.00

Selecting a 2023-2024 Commuter Meal Plan

The Commuter Meal Plan options will be available for purchase on August 4, 2023. Unused Meal Swipes and Board Bucks associated with each Commuter Plan will expire on May 13, 2024. Commuter Meal Plans can be purchased online.

Board Bucks

Residential and Commuter Board Bucks are accepted at the following locations: Dining Center, Lions Den Coffee Bar, The Grill, Max Cafe, Paramount Cafe, and Pick N’ Roll Sushi.

Any students with dietary allergies or restrictions are encouraged to contact FoodServices [at] (FoodServices[at]emerson[dot]edu) with any questions or concerns.