
Spring 2024 guest-edited by Laila Lalami
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Dark blue background with light blue text inside a light blue border: “the young men walk their dogs, and when our dogs meet  we look at the dogs without raising our eyes to each other."

Free Content: Marie Howe

Read Marie Howe's piece "Seventy" from the Winter 2023-24 Issue of Ploughshares.

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A photograph of Dan Wakefield.

Guest Editor Spotlight: Dan Wakefield

In memory of Dan Wakefield, guest-editor of Ploughshares Fall/Winter 1981 Issue.

Light blue background with dark blue text inside a dark blue border: “I don't know if tears of gratitude came to my eyes, but I felt the relieved emotion of reconnecting to a part of my life that had been temporarily out of commission.”

From the Archives: Dan Wakefield

Read Dan Wakefield's piece "Reflection" from the Fall 2001 Issue of Ploughshares.